
Race and Empire in the European Project Symposium

From Tuesday, October 24, 2023
To Wednesday, October 25, 2023

CES proudly presents

Race and Empire in the European Project—a symposium.


Co-sponsors: Center for African Studies, South Asia Studies Program, and the Institute for Global Racial Justice (IGRJ).

This is a hybrid event, with options to attend both in person and online via Zoom. It is open to the public, but registration is required.



Tuesday, October 24, 3:30pm 
Pane Room, Alexander Library 
College Avenue Campus 

Opening Remarks, Postcolonial Studies and Europe
Sadia Abbas, Director, Center for European Studies, Rutgers

Whiteness in Post-national Europe
A Conversation between Hans Kundnani and Emily Marker upon the publication of Eurowhiteness: Culture, Empire and Race in the European Project.
Moderator: Sadia Abbas

Reception: 5:30 - 6:30pm 

Register to attend in-person

Register to attend the online session

Wednesday, October 25, 10:30am - 12:30pm 
Pane Room, Alexander Library 
College Avenue Campus

Critical reflections on Europe, empire and race—A roundtable
Panelists: Megan Brown (Swarthmore), Peo Hansen, (Linköping University), József Böröcz (Rutgers), Hans Kundnani (Chatham House), Emily Marker (Rutgers), Sadia Abbas (Rutgers)
Moderator: Belinda Davis (Rutgers)


Register to attend in-person

 Register to attend the online session



 Hans Kundnani is an Open Society Foundations Ideas Workshop fellow and an associate fellow at the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) in London, where he previously directed the Europe programme. He has also been a senior Transatlantic fellow at the German Marshall Fund of the United States and research director at the European Council on Foreign Relations. He is a visiting scholar at the New School in New York, an associate fellow at the Institute for German Studies at Birmingham University, and teaches at the Collège d’Europe in Natolin, Poland. He is the author of the books: Eurowhiteness. Culture, Empire and Race in the European Project (2023); The Paradox of German Power (2014); and Utopia or Auschwitz. Germany’s 1968 Generation and the Holocaust (2009).

Emily Marker is an Associate Professor of European and global history at Rutgers-Camden and a member of the graduate faculty in history at Rutgers-New Brunswick. She is also currently a fellow at the Rutgers Center for Historical Analysis, a member of the Executive Committee of Rutgers’ Center for African Studies and sits on the advisory board of Rutgers’ Center for European Studies. She is the author of Black France, White Europe: Youth, Race, and Belonging in the Postwar Era, which came out with Cornell University Press in 2022 and has received honorable mentions for the Society for French Historical Studies’ David H. Pinkney Prize and the French Colonial History Society’s Alf Andrew Heggoy Prize. Dr. Marker is the president of the Camden chapter of Rutgers AAUP-AFT and the rising president of the Western Society for French History.

Peo Hansen is professor of political science at the Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO), Linköping University. Currently, he is Simone Veil Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies in Florence. Peo Hansen’s research examines both the historical and contemporary trajectory of European integration. His books include A Modern Migration Theory: An Alternative Economic Approach to Failed EU Policy (Agenda Publishing, 2021); and Eurafrica: The Untold History of European Integration and Colonialism (co-authored with S. Jonsson, Bloomsbury, 2014), which was published in French last year: Eurafrique: Aux origins colonials de l’Union européenne (La Découverte).

Megan Brown is Associate Professor of Modern European History at Swarthmore College, with a focus on 20th-century France, European integration, and empire. She is the author of The Seventh Member State: Algeria, France, and the European Community (2022). Her teaching and research interests include post-World War II politics, decolonization, the history of France and Algeria, and questions of citizenship.

József Böröcz is Professor of Sociology at Rutgers University. He is the author, most recently, of the book The European Union and Global Social Change: A Critical Geopolitical Economic Analysis, published in English and Magyar. Member of the public corporate body of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, he served as founding director of the Rutgers Institute for Hungarian Studies (1995-2007) and founding President of the Karl Polányi Center for Global Social Analysis in Budapest (2015-2022). His recent paper titled ”’Eurowhite’ Conceit and ’Dirty White’ Ressentiment: ’Race’ in Europe” has been named “most cited paper” by Wiley, the publisher of the Sociological Forum.

Sadia Abbas is director of the Center for European Studies at Rutgers-New Brunswick. and associate professor of postcolonial studies at Rutgers University-Newark. She is the author of At Freedom’s Limit: Islam and the Postcolonial Predicament, winner of the MLA first book award, and the novel The Empty Room, shortlisted for the DSC prize for South Asian Literature, and co-editor of Shahzia Sikander: Extraordinary Realities, which was listed as one the best art books of 2021 by the New York Times. She has written on Jesuit poetics and Catholic martyrdom in Early Modern English poetry, neoliberalism and the Greek debt crisis, Pakistani art, the uses of Reformation in contemporary Muslim thought, and much else. She is co-founder and co-editor of Ideas and Futures.

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If you are planning to attend in-person on either day, please register you vehicle here.   


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