Judith Surkis, "Breaking Up is Hard to Do: Franco-Algerian Lives and Laws after Decolonization"
Wednesday, December 02, 2020, 04:30pm
Speaker: Judith Surkis (History)
Series Local Talent: Europe at Rutgers
Judith Surkis is Professor of History at Rutgers, and author of Sex, Law, and Sovereignty in French Algeria, 1830-1930 (2019); and Sexing the Citizen: Masculinity and Morality in France, 1870-1920 (2006). At Rutgers, she codirected the RCHA project Ethical Subjects: Moralities, Laws, Histories (2015-2017), which was funded as a Mellon Sawyer Seminar, and cofounded the History Dept. minor in Law and History. She has received several fellowships, including most recently at the Davis Center for Historical Studies at Princeton University. She is currently working on a book project entitled “The Intimate Life of International Law: Children and Development After Decolonization.”
Held via: Zoom
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